Past Announcements

10 August 2024 - お盆 O-bon Ceremony and Dance (details)

29 May 2024 - Dharma Talk "Summer 2024" (article)

05 May 2024 - 花まつり Hana Matsuri (details)

28 April 2024 - 人形供養 Doll Ceremony (details)

01 April 2024 - YouTube Video by Manto Artworks (link here)

24 March 2024 - 利休忌法要 Rikyu Memorial (details)

19 February 2024 - Dharma Talk "Spring 2024" (article)

08 January 2024 - 2024 Ceremony and Services Schedule 2024年行事のご案内 (details)

31 December 2023 / 1-3 January 2024 - Joya no Kane / Hatsumode 除夜の鐘 / 初詣 

28 December 2023 - Dharma Talk "Winter 2023/24" (article)

10 December 2023 1 pm - Jodo-e and Kaizanki Ceremony 成道会・開山忌

15 September 2023 - Dharma Talk "Fall 2023" (article)

12 August 2023 6 pm - Bon Mairi and Dance 盆参りと盆踊り

11 June 2023 1 pm - Segaki-e (Tōzenji Day/Hungry Ghost Ceremony) 施餓鬼大法要

19 May 2023 - A new way of making a donation.  寄付の新方法について (details)

11 June 2023 1 pm - Segaki-e (Tōzenji Day/Hungry Ghost Ceremony) 施餓鬼大法要

07 May 2023 1 pm - Hanamatsuri Service 花祭り法要

01 May 2023 The May fundraiser is cancelled due to distribution and inventory issues.
We will consider doing it in November.

26 March 2023 1 pm - Rikyū Memorial and Chasen Kuyō 利休忌法要・茶筅供養

15 February 2023 - The weekly Tuesday night worship will not be held until further notice.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

06 February 2023 - Dharma Talk "The Buddhism of Tōzenji" (article)