Kannon Day 観音菩薩のご縁日
10 am on the 18th of each month Ceremony in the Kannon Hall

24 Mar 2024 (Sun) 1 PM Rikyū Memorial 利休忌法要
Ceremony to honour tea master Sen Rikyū, followed by Tea Gathering in the tearoom

05 May 2024 (Sun) 1 PM Hana Matsuri  花祭
“Festival of Flowers” held to commemorate the birth of the Buddha Shakyamuni

16 June 2024 (Sun) 1 PM Tōzenji Day/Hungry Ghost Ceremony 施餓鬼大法要 (Segaki-Daihōyō)
Celebration of the founding of the temple and special ceremony to honour the dead (“hungry ghosts”)

10 Aug 2024 (Sat) 7 PM O-bon Mairi お盆参り NEW

08 Dec 2024 (Sun) 1 PM Shākyamuni’s Enlightenment Day 成道会 (Jōdō-e)
Commemoration of the spiritual awakening (enlightenment) of the historical Buddha in ancient India
Founder’s Day 開山忌 (Kaizan-ki)
Remembrance of Rev. Zuichō Hashimoto

31 Dec 2024 (Tue) New Year's Eve Ceremony & Bell Ringing 除夜の鐘

01 Jan 2025 (Wed) 10 AM New Year's Ceremony 修正会 (Shushō-e)

Week of 01 Jan 2025 Hatsumōde 初詣

Updated 17 July 2024

2024 Scheduled Ceremonies and Services

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For individual prayers and services, click here.
ご回向・ご祈祷は ここをクリック

For cultural activities offered at the temple, click here.
文化的なアクティビティ・教室は ここをクリック